The Tel Aviv-born, Milwaukee-bred Jewdar has a bachelors' from the University of Wisconsin, a Masters from NYU, and an Honorable Discharge from the US Army, where he spent two years as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division.
He's the co-author of "The Big Book of Jewish Conspiracies", the Humor Editor of Heeb Magazine, and a watcher of TV. Smarter than most funny people, funnier than most smart people, he lives on the Lower East Side with his wife and two sons.
Clearly, the whole "avoiding sex with shiksas" thing no longer applies. Other than that, some things don't seem to have changed too much since Roman times
Granted, in comparison to a lot of places, Hurricane Sandy took it pretty easy on the Stanton Street Shul, but in comparison to a lot of places, the shul was a little more dilapidated to start with
Fresh on celebrating their new upgrade to "non-member state" at the UN (whatever exactly that entails), the Palestinians found out how little that upgrade actually meant
If Bibi's picture of an atomic bomb is any indication of what he thinks a nuclear weapon looks like, however, we think it fair to say that not only does Israel not have any nuclear weapons, we're not even sure if they really know what they are