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It's hardly offensive (or funny), but the fact that the minute-long 'toon ends with a "to be continued" sparks enough interest to see if the questionable SalamtakProductions has anything significant up its slee...
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Chosen Comedy: Lee Camp

Comedian Lee Camp is known for his smart satirical stand up, but calling Fox News “a parade of propaganda and a festival of ignorance” on a Fox morning show is still his shining moment.
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Grammar Nazis

With this "Inglourious Basterds" spoof, the geniuses at CollegeHumor provide helpful grammar tips along with the best in Third Reich comedy....
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Linkin’ Continental

Baskin Robins newest mascot will whoop your ass if you touch his sister. (Afrojacks) Attention Black Folks: You are now legally allowed to make fun of Jews. Just get married! (Black Voices) Whats craz...