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Pat Buchanan Can Spot a Gay

The media, including us, just cannot get enough of this is-she-or-isn't-she story. Watch as tittering anchors and pundits show off how savvy they are for solving the queer algebra of the Softball=Gay equation. ...
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Chosen Music: Balkan Beat Box

Balkan Beat Box, Blue-Eyed Black Boy, (Nat Geo Music) Three years since Nu Med, Balkan Beat Box -- the official Mid-East champions of over-processed dance music -- releases Blue Eyed Black Boy, another J...
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Nazi Tourette’s: Lewis Black Takes out Glenn Beck

With tons of examples, Lewis Black proves that Glenn Beck will compare any person, idea, animal, vegetable or mineral he doesn't like with Hitler. Al Gore, the Peace Corps and much more have all been labeled Nazi by the Fox Mormon who even makes Bill O'Reilly sound like the voice of reason.