Libbie is your token teenage brat. When Libbie Jacobson's not doing dirty work for Heeb, she's either cooking stir-fry, writing shitty fiction, or daydreaming about Dr. Brian Cox.
The radio personality insists on making fun of Kagan’s name by calling her “Kagan the Pagan,” despite the fact that his own real last name is not Savage, but Weiner.
As funny as we all found Kagan's remark about how all Jews spend their Christmases, in reality she was participating in activities far more vile. Heeb has proof.
Hezbollah is running "amusement park" in Lebanon complete with rocket launchers and anti-Israeli guerrilla fighters. Because Disneyland just wasn't anti-Semitic enough.
General Motors appropriates and buffs Albert up for a new advertisement, but they forgot that Jews OWN Einstein, and if you want him, you better be ready to pay.