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Say it Ain’t So, Gwyneth

So tonight Jewdar is all set to watch the truly remarkable Waltz with Bashir, and a trailer comes on for a Jewquin Phoenix/Gwyneth Paltrow (whose Abrahamic ancestry is sufficiently well-known to need no dazzlin...
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Still Don’t Believe in Modern Love

Maybe Christina Raines should write a "Modern Love" column--it could possibly be entitled "Fatal Attraction."Christina Raines is a 23-year-old Illinois resident who is dating--nay! engaged t...
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Fruit Loops

This is probably my favorite internet game ever made. FRUIT MYSTERY will likely cause the player to have epileptic glory spins, but it's probably worth it. (Thanks to Goodjobbbbbbb)...
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Looney Tunes

Yay! Another album of hilarious joke songs penned by a Jew is on the horizon! Andy Samberg, of Saturday Night Live fame, and his music crew--the Lonely Island--will be releasing "Incredibad" on Februa...
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That’s So Eno

All right, we admit, we're always pleased when a celebrity says something nice about Israel, but can the rest of them please shut up, already? I mean, if Bono doesn't condemn Israel, what makes you think you ca...
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Loose on the Forty-Deuce

Anyone prove they love Israel by showing up to the Israel Day Parade on a sunny summer day. But several thousand of us who really, really love the Jewish state were out in force on Sunday on 42nd Street, showin...
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That’s Rabbi Oldman To You

With an 11 percent "fresh rating" on Rotten Tomatoes, The Unborn, David S. Goyer's horror flick loosely-based in Jewish mysticism, is by all accounts a cinematic abortion.Apparently, the story revolve...
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For the Jobless Jewish Woman

Check out this Craigslist ad from Jewish Blessing, LLC--it's an urgent cry for Jewish ladies across the land to sell their eggs to infertile couples for a whopping $8,000. So come on ladies, stimulate the econo...
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No Sleep Til Brooklyn

Despite having loads more important things to do last night, I made time to tune in to the premiere episode of the Real World: Brooklyn. This time around, eight strangers are picked to a waterfront l...