McSweeney's has released a short film inspired by Art Spiegelman's newest collection of comics, BE A NOSE! This is the first time in history Spiegelman has been animated. Father of the beloved Garbage Pail Kids...
In an effort to reach out to every last Jewish person in America, the _Heeb_ Hundred is making a trek to the powdery mountaintops of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where a bustling community of three Jews live among th...
In conjunction with his latest movie, Steve Martin has released an original bluegrass album titled, "The Crow: New Songs for the Five-String Banjo." I am generally opposed to any actor crossing over ...
Microsoft's Songsmith program was created to score songs to match your voice. There are many, many, many levels of wrongdoing going on in this B.I.G. songsmith'd video. Does Bill Gates even pay attention to wha...
For those that relished zines in their salad days, Trinie Dalton has produced a tasteful collection of mythical miscellany. MYTHTYM compiles the best work from her previous zines on Werewolves, mythical beings...
We have always known that Google is watching. Recently, their Orwellian mini-van made venison out of an innocent deer. Their newsmaking doesn't end there. Google Earth's international crime fighting cape wave...
In the wake of the National Bacon Explosion, an Esty store is peddling an eerily perfect bacon scarf. They describe the swine swath: "The scarf is a bumpy rectangle bacon shape, and it measures approximate...
Senator Boehner, House Minority Leader, suggests that we throw Gitmo detainees into San Francisco's national park, Alcatraz. According to Senator Boeher, "If liberals believe they ought to go, maybe we oug...
This is probably my favorite internet game ever made. FRUIT MYSTERY will likely cause the player to have epileptic glory spins, but it's probably worth it. (Thanks to Goodjobbbbbbb)...
The US Army recently sent out oh, 7,000 letters to families that lost a daughter or a son in Iraq beginning the note with, "Dear John Doe." This wildly insensitive fuck-up is infuriating. Who can we b...
Guess what: love lasts forever. Nevermind the katrillion divorces that occurred in the last two seconds and forget the trillion breakups that you've been through just this month. Stony Brook University says it ...
Some supernerd hacked into the most boring of social networking tools, Twitter and made a funny. Cnet news reports that Rick Sanchez, honest newsman, got cyberpunk'd by a hacker. Oh noes! The popular anchorman ...