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Isn’t That Adorable?

This is one of those links that someone sends to you and the end result is a little painful upchuck in the office trashcan. You then find the strength to go back and say, "Who else can I punish with this w...
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Let’s Turn to the Text

Dear friends, I stand corrected! The iPhone has pointless dollar-suck applications AND pointless religious applications. For those of you that loathe anything in physical form (everyone), get your prayers texte...
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Whistle Blowers

Obviously, the iPhone's primary use is to host a variety of pointless dollar-suck applications. If anyone pulls this out at midnight, knock it out of their hand and smash it. Happy New Year's!...
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This is the perfect thing to pass along to your gay-hating uncle. Or, to say, I don't know, MC Rick Warren. It's the perfect amount of mind-changing, tearjerking, guilt-inducing Flickr Prop 8 needs. In your fac...
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Fun Folliculitis

Big Happie Hair will penis-pump your dome into eye candy. Apparently, all you need is a can of aqua-net and this plastic tubing and wah-lah. You've achieved Winehouse....
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Devil’s Brew

In an effort to ruin terrible parties forever, some San Francisco asshole is sucking the life out of Sparks. From the press release: "A recently published study found that college students who mix alcohol ...
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Cooking By The Book

First of all, there's a show called Lazy Town. I love that town. Secondly, this video mash-up of said town proves if you need a perfect song, just add Lil Jon. He's the living crazy salt of music. ...
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Hiding That Candy

The very foxy, very funny artists Kalup Linzy and Shaun Leonardo lipsync to the 1930s NSFW radio ballad, Lollypop and god, they are good. ...
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No One Is Loving This

The McNuggets were wet before you even got a chance to eat them. Keith Sweat is so turned on by these deep fried nasties that someone barely made a webpage at McDonald's to promote his dirty dreams. (Special, s...
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He-r-r-r-r-r-r-e’s Larry

Who doesn't like to maximize life efficiency by viewing throw-away blogs all day long? Gabe Delahaye, the Dorothy Parker of the Internet, has an entire Tumblr dedicated to one joke about Curb Your Enthusiasm. A...
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Donut Incubus

WHY is Paula Deen so hungry? The corpulent debutant is mind-fucking America with her food weapons. For further wretching, watch her "make love to her tater."...
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Invisible Touch

Strangers touching strangers. This lovely collection of photos showcases years of awkward people posing spontaneously together, hands and feet nearly frottage-free. ...