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Got Lieb?

Readers of Jewdar know us as the very Dorian Gray-like picture of moderation and self control, so we hope we don't disappoint overmuch to confess that we have a monkey on our backs that would take the likes of ...
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Who’s Afraid of Hillary Clinton?

A recent Forbes online character poll has shown that "Hillary Clinton is the creepiest candidate": Th...
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Bloomberg Declares Independence

Just in case you love "NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg": but have always felt a little guilty about it because of his Republican-ness, Mayor Mike has just "officially changed his par...
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A Cut Above The Rest

The "dropping circumcision rate": in the U.S. has made the news and has once again sparked debate over the age old question: Which do you p...
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RIP Gertel’s Bakery

"Gertel's Bakery": is "closing this Friday":, June 22nd. So hurry up and make your pilgrim...
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Goodbye CBGBs, Hello vLES

If you haven't heard about this ridiculousness yet, check out _Vice_ Magazine's new site, the "Virtual Lower East Side": (vLES). As if Second Life weren't creepy enough, now you can sit at y...
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Eugenics is For the Dogs

Dog eugenics is becoming huge in dog breeding and racing circles. "Says": the _New York Times_, it's "free of most of the ethical concerns......
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Here, Piggy, Piggy

Frank Bruni, the _New York Times_' beloved (and "hated": restaurant critic "reveled in the fatty deliciousness that is pork":
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Two Rabbis Walk Into a Reception Hall

To show their support for same-sex couples, a straight rabbi couple (one of whom works at New York's LGBT synagogue Congregation Beth Simchat) are planning an all-out Conservative Jewish wedding "without the ma...
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They’re Grrrreaaat!

The _NY Times_ "reports": that The Kellogg Company announced today that it will phase out advertising its products to children under age 12 unl...
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…But They’ll Never Take Our Freedom

At last night's New York premiere of _A Mighty Heart_ Angelina Jolie's lawyer made all reporters sign an agreement stating that they would not ask any personal questions. "FoxNews":