Heeb's critically acclaimed Storytelling series presents Jewish stories from an ever-changing crew of performers across the country. We now give you Heeb _Storytelling in its online incarnation. Check back here...
...And if the mainstream news media has it hard, just how do you think independent publishers are doing? _Nymag.com_'s Intelligencer "somewhat gleefully writes":http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2007/06/save_dave_eg...
Is it possible that the "articulate and bright and clean":http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/index.html Barack Obama has already fallen off? The Illinois Senator was served a one-two combination...
I can't even begin to estimate how many people have asked me to introduce them to the Beastie Boys since we "interviewed and photo'd them back in 2003":http://www.heebmagazine.com/articles/view/43. One guy want...
To all of my fans who have been desperately seeking sustenance from my customary _joie de vivresection_ of all things entertaining, I must apologize for my absence, but I have recently suffered the loss of a lo...
Just checked out the New York Times "latest story on gays in the military.":http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/08/us/politics/08gays.html?_r=1&oref=slogin In it, Hillary Clinton complains about the army's decision ...
Turns out "Martha Stewart":http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.76d5d3769e1fc1611e3bf410b5900aa0/?vgnextoid=c479cf380e1dd010VgnVCM1000005b09a00aRCRD&xsc=rm+goo+Brand+martha$stewart is a big fa...
Out of all the movies requiring a sequel, Eli Roth's "_Hostel_":http://www.hostelfilm.com/ is not at the top of my list. Nevertheless, today marks the release of the torture-porn's "second installment.":http://...
Canadian author Rebecca Eckler is suing Universal Studios for copyright infringement on the basis of the "striking similarities between Judd Apatow's comedy and her memoir":http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/...
In a "_New York Magazine_ interview":http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2007/06/eli_roth_has_his_dirk_diggler.html#more (link is *COMPLETELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK*), photographer Tim Palen spills the beans about ...
Eli Roth explains his penchant for fabricated blood and guts by recounting his sensationally unconventional bar mitzvah party in which a magician pretended to saw the young Roth in half—a grotesque symbolic act...
You can take a break from mourning the break-up of the Davids to celebrate this breaking development: "Isla Fisher is carrying Sacha Baron Cohen's spawn.":http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20041347,00.htm...