Just in case you love “NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg”:http://www.mikebloomberg.com/ but have always felt a little guilty about it because of his Republican-ness, Mayor Mike has just “officially changed his party”:http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/20/us/politics/20mayor.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin to “Independent.” Sure, it may be a calculated political move (as an Independent, he’s basically guaranteed a spot on the 2008 Presidential ballot), but now all you lucky liberals are free to indulge in your Bloomberg worship completely guilt-free.
The rocket to the sun that I built for clearing Jimmy Kimmel out of the way has now be re-appropriated for “Independent Mike”. Damn you Bloomberg, Sara Silverman was to be mine.
I suppose we should be happy though, it’s one less Republican in the fight
“Independent Mike” supported Independent Joe Lieberman.
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