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Link Round Up: Finalekkah Edition

Movies to See so People Don't Hate You (FilmDrunk)The Latkchos (Latkes +Nochos) Monster (Nachos NY)Blogs as Books as Books as Blogs (Mashable)Moshe Kasher is the iTunes Rewind 2009: Best New Comic (iTunes)Mormi...
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Tootsie Rolls Go Kosher

Oh, foolish gentiles. Don't you realize that the only reason to abandon the true path of Torah and Mitzvos is to partake of your tasty treyf treats? If all your pagan delicacies were kosher, nothing would tempt...
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HEEBONISM Palm Springs: Get a Hotel Room

We're just a few days away from taking over the glamorous Ace Hotel in Palm Springs for our biggest party of the year. Co-sponsored by VivaRadio and hosted by comic Eric Andre, the night will start off with a C...
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Step-Touch for Jesus

The video below is another beautiful example of what happens when you put three sheltered Midwesterners on a stage with nothing but a Bible and a backbeat. This little gem shows the potential we all have within...
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Link Round Up

Inception aka The Dark Knight 2: Floodpants Riverdance(FilmDrunk)Flix Are for Kids (Agent Bedhead) Life Advice for the Day: Be the Molester, Not the Molested.(Michael Ian Black via Wits...