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Jew Hunting at the Golden Globes

I could give a shit about award shows, but the Golden Globe nominations were announced this morning (check out the nominees) and it's heartening to see the Heeb Best of 5769 get its deserved share of recognitio...
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YouTube Mashup of the Week: Kosher Face

Set to the music of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face," this YouTube viral vid flashes through tons of Jewish celebrities. Make sure to watch for a huge advantage in your next game of "Jew, Not a Jew." The standards get ...
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Urban Kvetch: Bragging About Your Health

Now that it's cold season, please don't explain how you were "starting to get sick, but fought it off." You fought it off? Do you have so few accomplishments that you need to take credit for your God-...
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Stephanie Green: _Cancer Is the New Black_

Meet Stephanie Green, a writer whose privileged life was interrupted by stage II breast cancer at 32. She responded by shopping, botoxing, pill-popping and partying her way through a bilateral mastectomy, recon...
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Israel, We Will Take Your Heretics

This week, Israel's justice minister announced that Jewish religious law should become "binding law of state," inciting panic among the country's secular majority. We agree with Minister Yaakov Neeman...