Enjoy Christmas: Under New British Standards, You Are Not a Jew

As of yesterday, to remain a card-carrying member of the tribe, you might have to start going to temple and working with the homeless. (That means I’m done.) The British Supreme Court just threw out the classic test of Jewishness — if your mother is Jewish — calling it discrimination. The whole question of who is and isn’t Chosen is nowinquestion, reports The New York Times.

It began after a Jewish secondary school in North London passed over an Orthodox kid because his mom converted (and in a progressive, not Orthodox, temple). The court ruled yesterday that the "matrilineal" test is about ethnic origin and that’s racial. The school is setting new standards for admission because of the ruling: Students must now gain "points for things like going to synagogue and doing charitable work."

As Jewdar recently pointed out, Judaism has long been comprised of people from different nations and of different races: Bilha, Zilpa, Joseph’s wife. (Hot chicks and concubines have always been especially welcome.) However, if proving your status through this new point system becomes universal, the Heeb offices are about to go seriously gentile.

What do you think?

About The Author


Steven enjoys alliteration and quirky line drawings. His turn-offs include broken links, enriched uranium and Holocaust denial.

28 Responses

  1. sj660

    This is absolutely false overall, and specifically.

    First, the UK Supreme Court did not throw out the “classic test” in any Halakhically meaningful way. Rather it said that “faith schools” that receive public funds from the British government cannot disc

  2. staceface

    @sj660: THANK YOU.

    Everyone’s been freaking out about this ruling, but they’ve totally ignored the fact that its a PUBLICLY-FUNDED school.

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  4. tomiallen

    I like this woman. She included that all voices within those communities, whether it be directly or through local organizations, must be heard. Reply

  5. Anonymous

    Google may pay heed. “Level of community support is certainly one supra parts of the factors we’re considering,” says a Google spokesman who Reply

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