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Latest Flu Strain Makes You Jewish

If you've been on the subway lately, you've probably noticed that new Halls ad campaign. With their enlarged schnozzes, these cold-suffering models look like they've been Photoshopped into the Semitic gene pool...
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Hey Bartender, Give Me a Vodka Gentile!

Every now and then something comes across the Jewdar desk that leaves us flummoxed. Latest on the list isKabbalah Vodka. According to what we've been able to ascertain, a Russian company called "EZ Protoco...
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Chosen Comedy: Seth Herzog

Seth Herzog is a comedian, actor and writer. He's appeared in the movies Role Models and The Ten, the TV show Stella and is a frequent talking head on VH1. He hosts the weekly comedy show "Sweet" (w...
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Chosen Books: _Amen, Amen, Amen_

Reading Abby Sher's memoir Amen, Amen, Amen often feels like watching an M. Night Shyamalan movie—a haunting magical power forever looming just below the surface. She chronicles a bout with mental illness that ...
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Brittany Murphy, RIP

After receiving the awful and tearful news that one of my closest friends passed away yesterday morning, I haven't been able to sleep. I wanted to share with you all some of our fondest memories together.I fi...