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Earlier this month, Hasidic pop-star Lipa Schmeltzer was forced to pull out of a concert at the WaMu Theatre at Madison Square Garden when several Brooklyn black hats condemned his music as immoral. One told Y...
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No Love for Natalie

Last week we told you that Hasidic friend-of-Heeb Abe Karpen was spotted on the Brooklyn Bridge with Natalie Portman. He was filming a movie in which he played Portman's husband, but that's the last sighting of...
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It’s Alive!

Saturday Night Live has been enjoying a resurgence in political relevance as of late. But what really got our attention was Heeb coverboy Jonah Hill's tour-de-force as six-year-old borscht belter Adam Grossman...
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Monsey Can’t Buy Me Love

A grass-roots effort by a community of Orthodox Jews temporarily fended off a proposal from Wal-Mart to build a store in their town of Monsey, N.Y. The mega-retailer had been courting rabbis along with the gene...
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Frum Brooklyn With Love

Is Natalie Portman stalking _Heeb_?Last week she was seen at the Kiva/ GOOD Magazine event with _Heeb_ associate publisher Adam Baruchowitz. Today, she was spotted on the Brooklyn Bridge with _Heeb_ co-conspira...
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We at Jewdar don't want to appear insensitive and, in real terms, hope for the return of these hostages safe and sound. That being said, there's something pretty damn funny about Al-Qaeda hoping to punish the ...
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David Zucker: The _Heeb_ Interview

Who else but Hollywood veteran David Zucker could possibly direct a brainless Spidey spoof like Superhero Movie? This is the guy, after all, who teamed up with Jim Abrahams and brother Jerry Zucker to deliver g...
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Just Plane Rude

On Monday, baggage handlers in Milan, Italy discovered anti-semitic slogans along the lines of "Death to Jews" scrawled in the cargo hold of an El Al plane. Italian authorities quickly passed the buck...
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Goldie Shocks

Goldie Hawn was met with more protestors last night than she's seen since the debut of The First Wives Club in 1996.The doe-eyed starlet was giving a speech in Glasgow on behalf of KKL Scotland, a JNF equivalen...

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