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Head Games

Minutes after the grand opening of Berlin's new Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, a German man pushed passed two guards and ripped the head off a wax effigy of Adolph Hitler.So, the guy murders six-million people an...
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Gotham has been gaga over the word that Madonna has been canoodling with A-Rod. Now it's time for Jewdar to begin to feign interest, as word on the street is that A-Rod's quite-possibly-soon-to-be ex Cynthia i...
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Going Out of Body Sale

So, apparently a New Zealand man is selling his soul-- not to the devil, but on the Internet. According to The Associated Press, Walter Scott, 24, is trying to hawk his spirit on TradeMe, a New Zealand auction ...
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Jewdar has never found Denise Richards (above right, with quasi-marrano Neve Campbell) to be particularly hot. Still, one might imagine that were Jewdar to have a dream featuring her, some sort of forniculato...
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Material Boy Meets Material Girl

According to Us Weekly, Madonna, 49, and New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez, 32, are having an affair. Apparently, Madonna has been hosting late-night visits from Rodriguez in her Central Park West apartme...
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Trouble at the Rosenkrantz Ranch

It was June of 1985, but when Robert Rosenkrantz fired ten bullets into high school classmate Steve Redman, it felt like something out of the Wild West. Twenty-three years later, Rosenkrantz is out of prison. Allen Salkin remembers a murder that grabbed the attention of a California town and the gay community nation-wide.