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Obama “Just Too Good”

I smell a coverup. The Chicago Tribune recently blew the lid off of the suppression of a 2001 episode of Chicago restaurant review show "Check, Please!" featuring none other than OUR FUTURE PRESIDENT...
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The Secret Life of (Cokehead) Bees

MacquarieUniversity in Australiais testing the effects of cocaine on--get this--bees. Apparently,coked-up bees react similarly to humans--i.e., things that are midly entertainly suddenly become super-exciting (...
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Somebody Call a Doctor

A video, which aired on MSNBC, intending to raise awareness of the peril in which Israelis live, has recently come under scrutiny. Apparently, a shot of an Israeli town being hit by a rocket was doctored. This ...
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Come, As Thou Cam’st A Thousand Times

Guess what: love lasts forever. Nevermind the katrillion divorces that occurred in the last two seconds and forget the trillion breakups that you've been through just this month. Stony Brook University says it ...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

You Look in the Closet You open the closet door and much to your surprise you find yourself face-to-face with Vice President Cheney. "Vice President Cheney, what are you doing here?" A startled Cheney...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

Fire Up the VCR Illustration by Angela Dominguez You put in the tape and hit "Play." Bill Clinton is standing in the front yard of the White House throwing a tennis ball to his Labrador Retriever, ...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

Stand Up to Cheney Cheney's crooked, maniacal grin shifts ever so slightly into a crooked, maniacal scowl. "Uh-oh," he says. "Looks like I'm about to have another unfortunate hunting accident." Ill...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

Don't Pardon Abramoff No matter how tempting the proposition is, you tell Abramoff that you're going to have to pass on the library. Abramoff looks a bit more frail than usual, so you invite him to join you ...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

Obey "God," Kill Ginsberg You inch closer to Ginsburg with the pillow. She's sleeping like a baby. Just as you're about cover her face, she's awakened by a commercial for Carnival Cruise. Her eyes widen at t...

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