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Tuck Off

As the airwaves are flooded with ads for "Brett Ratner's": latest "meisterwerk,": we at Jewdar feel like the one ...
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Buber Flash

We confess to not having been big fans of Martin Buber when we read him in grad school. But the other night, we had a super-moving "I-Thou": moment. Flashback to a month a...
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Lost Men

In other "Corey Feldman news":, he's teamed back up with Corey Haim for a "poorly-reviewed":
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RIP Antonioni and Bergman

Film greats "Michelangelo Antonioni": and "Ingmar Bergman": died on the "same day":
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Springtime for Hitler

Some of you might be familiar with the so-called "Jewish fetish for Asians":, but after checking out a tip a reader sent us, "it doesn't appear like the love is mutual.":...
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_Heeb_ Love Chunk

Last weekend, geeks abounded at the "2007 San Diego Comic-Con":, as junior movie studio execs, graphic novelists, and Boba Fett groupies gathered to celebrate the man-child universe. ...
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Let’s Play Two!

What do Rocky and the history of the Jewish people have in common? No, the answer is not "_pain_,": as Clubber Lang might assert. The answer is that both will be honore...
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The More the Merrier?

Yesterday, Slate "discussed": polygamy in America, and specifically among Muslims. Only about 1% of Muslim-Americans practice polygamy, but with the number of Muslim-Americans at...
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The Churchill of the Poison MInd

After the last few thousand years, it's a nice change of pace for something good to happen on "Tisha b'Av": "Ward Churchill":