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Did Somebody Say Free?

It's not unusual for us to get free shit here at _Heeb_ HQ. On a typical day, we might be sent a pet yarmulke and tallis, a survival memoir from a third generation Holocaust survivor and a hip-hop demo from a h...
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Gotta Get _Back_ In Time

For those of us who only experienced the 80s automobile "on the big screen":, Houston motorhead Stephen Wynne is "now taking orders":
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Bob Saget: That Ain’t Right

When we "interviewed Bob Saget this past Spring,": we politely refrained from asking too many snarky questions about certain friends of his. (We did not politely refr...
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Introducing GameJew

If you like video games and matzoh brei as much as Jonathan Mann (above right) you'll also probably get a kick out of his website, "_GameJew_" Last year, the Los Angeles-based, 25-year-old laun...
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Bacn Bits

Now that my father can successfully use "spam" in a sentence, the word "bacn": has been "picked up": by internet-savvy early adapte...
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Kelsey at the Bat

Due to inclement weather and an eruption of sinus issues, we nearly had to forfeit our softball game against "_High Times'_ Bonghitters.": Luckily, we managed to wrangl...
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Don’t Say a Word

Dlisted "reports": that Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine is officially an asshole. We heard about how he left "Jessica Simpson heartbroken":
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On the Catwalk

Today, _NYMag.com_ covers "Pet Fashion Week":, which is not actually that more ridiculous than regular Fashion Week. But for tho...
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Bad News _Heebs_

In a "game": that will surely go down in Jewish history as our biggest loss since the war in Lebanon, the ragtag _Heeb_ softball team fell to the baseball behemoths of "Para...
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But Will She Show Cleavage?

Every now and then, a moment of pure kismet takes place that leaves Jewdar feeling all giddy: like Smurfette at a Smurf prom with all the Smurfs asking her to dance (except for those two Smurfs that share a mus...
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_Time Out New York_ has selected the "Super Heeb sandwich": at "Russ & Daughters ": as this week'...