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Diamond Days Fest: Day One

Tonight, "Dead Unicorn": (above) joins "Titan,": "Teeth of the Hydra,":
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Next Year In New Orleans

Bored? Looking for a change of scenery? Or maybe you just need an excuse to stalk the Jolie-Pitts in their adopted hometown? Well, New Orleans synagogues are "recruiting Jews":
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Wink Wink Nudge Nudge

Today _Chicago Tribune_ entertainment reporter Mark Caro "wags his finger": at Gawker's "recent post":http://gawker.c...
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Heeb's critically acclaimed Storytelling series presents Jewish stories from an ever-changing crew of performers across the country. We now give you Heeb Storytelling in its online incarnation. Check back here ...
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Kids Issue Release Party: Recap

It's a four-Advil morning so if what follows is a totally random and incoherent recap of last night's Kids Issue Release Party at the Charleston in Williamsburg, well, maybe we'll end up giving you some additio...
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Iranian Hostage Crisis

While we don't think its likely to act as methadone for our unhealthy addiction to "Rise of Nations":, we at Jewdar are tickled pink to hear about the new "video gam...
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The Gospel of Paul

Sometimes, fate drops in our laps a lesson about the facts of life of veritably "Thickean": proportions. Yesterday brought us news...
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Bargain Hunter

For anyone who loves a good deal (yes, that means you), "here": is a list of the cheapest days to buy everything from ai...
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End it Like Beckham?

For months, the media has been calling David Beckham's move to the United States a shining moment in the often miserable history of American soccer. He has been described as nothing less than a savior ("This je...