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Femme Retail

On the television series Mad Men, Rachel Menken is a second-generation Manhattan merchant who gives her father's department store an overhaul. In season one of the Eisenhower-era drama, which aired on AMC earli...
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Link Round Up

No, You Really Didn't See This Picture (Cute Overload)Eight Insane Ways Parents Are Politically Brainwashing Children (Cracked) Sean Lennon Pretends He's Yoko Ono (The Animal New York)In the Future, Everyone (I...
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Oprah Tells Chris Brown to Get a Shrink

Chris Brown feels mistreated. Cue the violins. He feels that Oprah treated him unfairly when she dedicated a show on domestic violence to Rihanna. While Chris "commends" Oprah on addressing the issue,...
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Stuff Hipsters Hate: Poseurs

Hector: Fuck, Frances, why are you calling me at 11:30 in the morning? I was totally sleeping.Frances: Did you hear that that dude from Look at this Fucking Hipster is having a freaking photo shoot today? He's,...
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Link Round Up

Extract: Mike Judge's Comedy Forumula (Screen Junkies)Smash and Grab Robbery at Apple Store Leaves the Place Picked Clean in 31 Seconds Flat (The Daily What)Seven Beloved Celebrities and the Awful Shit You Forg...
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Pat Buchanan Hearts Hitler

Having spent the better part of the summer reading irate letters from readers who equate a picture of Roseanne Barr dressed as Domestic Goddess Hitler with Holocaust denial, Jewdar would like to point out to th...
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The Perils of Dating Catholics

When someone tells you to "get on your knees" in the bedroom, praying is not usually what you have in mind. However, that is exactly what the Catholic Church is advocating in the Prayer Book for Spouses, which ...
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Link Round Up

Reading Rainbow Cancelled After 26 Years (Screen Junkies) Who's the Ultimate '80s Airhead? (Stuck in the '80s) What Could Go Wrong at the National Single CougarConvention? (Flisted)Coming (Too) Soon: ...
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Piven Talks Fish on _Letterman_

Jeremy Piven finally gave a bit more of his side of the fish story last night on David Letterman. Piven dropped out of a hit Broadway revival of David Mamet's Speed-the-Plow with Mad Men's Elisabeth Moss and mu...

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