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Jewdar’s Christmas Tradition

As a member of the Jew-controlled media, we're supposed to be on the front lines in the war against Christmas, and most of the time, we're okay with that. But even we in the Jewdar home are not completely immun...
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Albums of the Decade

Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Fever to Tell Remember when taking the L train to Williamsburg was exciting? Like anything—anything—could happen? When that small neighborhood in Brooklyn was bursting with non-referential cre...
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Latest Flu Strain Makes You Jewish

If you've been on the subway lately, you've probably noticed that new Halls ad campaign. With their enlarged schnozzes, these cold-suffering models look like they've been Photoshopped into the Semitic gene pool...
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Hey Bartender, Give Me a Vodka Gentile!

Every now and then something comes across the Jewdar desk that leaves us flummoxed. Latest on the list isKabbalah Vodka. According to what we've been able to ascertain, a Russian company called "EZ Protoco...
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Asher Roth Loves Football, Probably Not Gay

Jewish rapper Asher Roth, whose hit single "I Love College," declares his love of women, had gay rumors flying this weekend. Roth defended himself with a tweet on Sunday, stating he was "about to...
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Chosen Comedy: Seth Herzog

Seth Herzog is a comedian, actor and writer. He's appeared in the movies Role Models and The Ten, the TV show Stella and is a frequent talking head on VH1. He hosts the weekly comedy show "Sweet" (w...

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