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Fuck, Marry, Kill: The Terrorist Edition

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's attempt to drop more than a load in his underpants on a flight headed to Detroit on Christmas Day brought terrorism back into the spotlight. After the failed attack, Homeland Securit...
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Meeting of the Minds

We have no idea what this is all about, but for those of you who have ever wondered what would happen if the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Theodore Herzl planned a kiddush together, remember, if you can will it, it is ...
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Chosen Music: Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor's Piper and Skylar Kaplan sit across from me, side by side, at Silver Lake's hip Vietnamese soup shop Phở. With matching elbow-length golden tresses, they're unmistakably sisters. Piper, 22, does...
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Urban Kvetch: My Mean Esthetician

Listen, scary facial lady with undefined Eastern European accent, stop yelling at me for having pimples. It's not my fault, okay? No, I don't always wash my face after I stumble home drunk, and yes, I buy cheap...
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Rink Lound Up

D'ohfamation (Asylum) You Just Got Japp'd! (The Daily What)"This One Time at Band Camp... a Baby Shot Out of My Pussy." (Agent Bedhead)Michael Cera Feeds the Gueeds (FilmDrunk)Tit Builder 3000 (Screen...
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The Golden Shower Girls

(video after the jump)From the brilliant YouTuber who taught us all how much drag queen culture mirrors 80s pop iconography, we now get the piss-your-pants, funny episode of "The Golden Shower Girls."...

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