Judith Basya is Heeb's Literary Editor. She writes an advice column (and an advice blog: www.asktinymom.com) so her psychology degree doesn't go to waste. If your problem can be solved in <140 characters, she's on Twitter. If it's complicated, please email Judith @ Heebmagazine.com.
The scary prospect of multiple girlfriends meeting each other on Halloween, and why it's sometimes frighteningly difficult to talk people out of ill-considered costumes.
Why you don't need to stay pals with your ex if you were never pals to begin with, and what to tell a guy who likes to get it on when much, much older women are around.
A straight guy with lesbian roommates, the broker's fee equation, and a woman who wants her boyfriend to give up his rent-controlled Manhattan apartment--seriously!--to prove his love.
What a stripper can teach us about dealing with a boss's unwanted advances, and a man with religious-childhood issues wonders about the competence of his atheist shrink.