The Tel Aviv-born, Milwaukee-bred Jewdar has a bachelors' from the University of Wisconsin, a Masters from NYU, and an Honorable Discharge from the US Army, where he spent two years as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division.
He's the co-author of "The Big Book of Jewish Conspiracies", the Humor Editor of Heeb Magazine, and a watcher of TV. Smarter than most funny people, funnier than most smart people, he lives on the Lower East Side with his wife and two sons.
The crowning glory will be the “Room of Absence,” a world without gays—bad hair cuts, mismatched furniture, and the piece de resistance—a full scale Hollywood Squares board with an empty center square.
Michael Santomauro, who runs the Holocaust Denial publishing company, "accidentally" emails his PTA Mailing list extolling the virtues of Holocaust denial literature.
Israel opens a new Holocaust Museum offering an ultra-glitzy multi-media approach to the Holocaust, complete with simulated death camp train ride, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising sound effects, and kick-ass Yellow Star laser light show..
Normally, a politician being targeted unjustly would use the accusation of “Mccarthyism” or “Witch-hunting,” but since neither of those is viewed as a negative by Palin’s base, she couldn’t really throw them around, which leaves good ol' anti-Jewish persecution.
Far be it for us to claim that Jews own the media (they actually have a time-share with gays), but Jewdar finds it a bit curious that 5 years after the pageant was dropped from ABC, it just so happens that ABC picks it up again the year there’s a Jewish contestant...