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Holocaust Museum Redux in HD, 3D and Plasma

Israel opens a new Holocaust Museum offering an ultra-glitzy multi-media approach to the Holocaust, complete with simulated death camp train ride, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising sound effects, and kick-ass Yellow Star laser light show..

At Least Palin Didn’t Say “Holocaust”

Normally, a politician being targeted unjustly would use the accusation of “Mccarthyism” or “Witch-hunting,” but since neither of those is viewed as a negative by Palin’s base, she couldn’t really throw them around, which leaves good ol' anti-Jewish persecution.

Here She Is…And She’s Available.

Far be it for us to claim that Jews own the media (they actually have a time-share with gays), but Jewdar finds it a bit curious that 5 years after the pageant was dropped from ABC, it just so happens that ABC picks it up again the year there’s a Jewish contestant...

Say Che-ese

Would it have killed Roseanne to have said “Sure, I’m dressed like Che right now, but you should have seen what I did for Heeb.”