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Power of the Press

So who is the most powerful entertainment writer in the world today? Survey says....Jewdar! Just a few hours after yours truly excoriated the organizers of Monday's anti-Ahmadinejad rally for inviting Sarah Pal...
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Party Like it Was 36 C.E.

Saturday from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. is your chance to repent for allegedly shafting his holy of holies (and more likely relish in the change of seasons from freakin hot to randomly cold, and freakin cold to randomly...
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Babe: Pig in the City

Next Monday at the UN, a frightening figure who blends religious zealotry with grossly corrupt politcal demagoguery will be making a most unwelcome appearance at the UN. We speak, of course, of Sarah Palin, who...
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Suspicious Packages

For those of us who have been concerned for Israel's safety as of late, fret no more. Israel has implemented a six-month trial program fusing science, security and, um, dog shit.Beginning this week, Tel-Aviv su...
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Santino Rice: The _Heeb_ Interview

By Shira LevineCrocs sales have plummeted over the past few months, notes The Jewish Community Online. Like virtually every financial institution in the U.S. it seems, Crocs in all of their water-resistant glor...
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_Heeb_ Fall Music Preview

What's on the jewkbox at _Heeb_? We're glad you asked that question. Okkervil RiverThe Stands-InsJagjaguwar RecordsSaying that Okkervil River frontman Will Sheff is the best songwriter in rock right now might s...
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While the Williamsburg Hasids are dealing with the issue of scantly clad women in their neighborhoods by whining to the town board, Ultra-Orthodox vigilantes in Jerusalem have taken a slightly more direct appro...
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Red Julius

Convicted spy Morton Sobell's recent admission that he was, in fact, justly convicted, and that Julius Rosenberg was a spy as well, can hopefully provide some closure on one of the worst episodes in Jewish male...
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Wet Dream

After receiving critical acclaim for The Wrestler, which will be widely released this December, director Darren Aronofsky has already started gushing about his upcoming dream project that will tell the story of...
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Hot Wheels

Today Jewdar was confronted with a real conundrum. On the one hand, we are chock full of Torah observance. On the other hand, we ride a bike in NYC. Thus, it was at first difficult to decide who to side with...
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Crank Yankees

Funnymen Lee Camp along with Michael Weingartner slay us again on the blog 23/6 with another EPIC VOICEMAIL from our nation's prized curmudgeonly P.O.W. to the New York Times. Best reference to the Nuge? "...
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Like Father, Like Son

Controversial shot-gun weddings must run in the family, at least for the Sarkozy clan. Wednesday night, Jean Sarkozy, the son of the French President and infamous tabloid star, Nicolas Sarkozy, wed his longtime...