Party Like it Was 36 C.E.

Saturday from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. is your chance to repent for allegedly shafting his holy of holies (and more likely relish in the change of seasons from freakin hot to randomly cold, and freakin cold to randomly hot thanks to global warming). The Last Supper Festival in Brooklyn, promises to be a "celebratory feast for the senses and a multi-arts symposium." Crucifixion parties are so B.C.E. Go all A.D. with your bad self for immaculately conceived food, art, film and music.

Jesus and his 12 Apostles certainly knew how feast, and so the Last Supper event rocks it’s biblical symbolism. Think: "13 dishes from innovative food artists, 13 artworks from budding visual artists, 13 short films from emerging directors and live music from 8 talented bands and DJ’s."

The event is at 3rd Ward (same spot where our Fall Issue release party is happening) at 195 Morgan Ave., Brooklyn (L train to Grand) and it costs $15 (or $10 w/ 3 cans of food) to get in. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Food Bank for New York and not Pontius Pilate.

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