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Squarely Legal

You know how media outlets like Gawker have been reporting on Bill Murray's oddball behavior as of late? Well, some rampant Huluing of ancient television shows has uncovered a very interesting piece of Bill Mu...
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Isn’t That Adorable?

This is one of those links that someone sends to you and the end result is a little painful upchuck in the office trashcan. You then find the strength to go back and say, "Who else can I punish with this w...
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"Hamasturbation" refers to the subtle stroking that Gaza's most beloved mass murderers receive from certain figures in the press and the diplomatic corps. First, there was this one, that made sure to...
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Let’s Turn to the Text

Dear friends, I stand corrected! The iPhone has pointless dollar-suck applications AND pointless religious applications. For those of you that loathe anything in physical form (everyone), get your prayers texte...
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_Che_: The _Heeb_ Review

by Jed Oelbaum Ernesto Guevara, doctor, Jedi freedom fighter, popular T-shirt design and the subject of Steven Soderbergh's fawning four and a half hour Che, was executed in Bolivia, already beaten down by the ...
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Whistle Blowers

Obviously, the iPhone's primary use is to host a variety of pointless dollar-suck applications. If anyone pulls this out at midnight, knock it out of their hand and smash it. Happy New Year's!...
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A.A. Gill’s Inferno

Along with its typical Bush-bashing,Vanity Fair bestows an unexpected treat in this month's issue: A hilarious, irreverent and downright acerbic article by witty British writer, A. A. Gill, which chronicles his...
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Do You Want That Toasted?

There's a new neighborhood blog in NYC that's fed up with gentrification and the mediocre eateries that always seem to follow. Its writers recently compiled an impressive (and often cruel/funny) roundup of the ...