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Bad News for the Jews

Thisweekend's shootings at a Tel-Aviv gay clubis both a personal and political tragedy. Personal, of course, because innocent people were murdered. Political, because if it proves to have been religiously motiv...
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Michael Chabon Uncut

Michael Chabon, author of The Yiddish Policemen's Union and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, speaks out against circumcision in his forthcoming book, Manhood for Amateurs. In this memoir, the Pulitz...
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Matisyahu Gets Naked For Judaism

(Watch Video After Jump)  Hasidic-Jewish reggae star, Matisyahu, recently released a video on in which he goes into the mikvah ( a ritual bath through which Jews banish impurity) in the buff. I don'...
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Jay-Z Tribute to Beastie Boys’s Adam Yauch

(Video After The Jump) Jay-Z, who replaced the Beastie Boys at New York's All Points West Festival after Adam Yauch was diagnosed with cancer, dedicated his performance to the the ailing rapper on Friday. A Bro...
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Daily Links

Seinfeld Summed Up (CSlacker)Just Another Tuesday in East Orlando - A dude and a dog krump to the death by the side of Florida's SR 50 (The Daily What) Jesus Appears in a Dog's Rear (Japan Today)Exclusive: The ...
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Bill Maher VS. The Birthers

(Video after jump) On his weekly HBO show Bill Maher, had some words for "The Birthers" - the group that insists that Obama is an illegitimate president and he wasn't born in the USA (birth certificates mean no...
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Roseanne is Sick of Being Misunderstood

Roseanne answers her critics with aplomb on thought he was being really manly "cleaning Germany up" by burning people in ovens. I was making fun of him, not his victims. My c...
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Bar Refaeli Dates Guy Uglier Than Me

On the set of our swimsuit calendar shoot, Bar Refaeli apparently developed a fondness for creeping things. Her new boyfriend, multi-millionaire Teddy Sagi, actually looks like he could be a not-so-distant cous...