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The Jewsey Shore (Kill Me Now)

It was only a matter of time before a Manischewitz-soaked parody of MTV's guido phenomenon hit YouTube. Now you can watch Shtoopi, Roni, Kosher K and Moshe "The Mensch" revel in all our stereotypes. A...
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Just a Gigolo

Until his 1999 retirement, Shai Shahar was one of Europe's leading gigolos and the first male escort ever to exhibit himself in an Amsterdam window display. Shai, who grew up in Philadelphia and moved to Israel...
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Link Round Up

How To Build A Fire Truck (F-Listed)Lucy Lawless Gets Lawless-er... (Screen Junkies) User Friendly Fuhrer: Mac Hatred from the iReich (BuzzFeed)J.D. Scavingers: Those Who Had Him Rolling Even Pre-Grave (Flavor...
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Don’t Be a Dick, Help Haiti

Remember how fucked up things used to be for the Jews? I know they aren't perfect now, but remember that weird thing in Germany? Yeah, that. Now, imagine if text message technology existed back then. Not one Je...