What Happens At A CULTURE WHORE Holiday Party David Grossman January 2, 2013 Culture, First Person, Religion We check in on the wildest holiday party of 2012, thanks to our friends at The Culture Whore.
Turning a Prophet (For a Small Fee) RSS January 2, 2013 Israel, Religion A new school in Tel Aviv promises to teach students "prophesy 101"
Oh Hanukkah Bush, Oh Hanukkah Bush [Contest Winners] Heeb December 14, 2012 Religion, Shtick 1 Announcing the winner(s!) of this year's Hanukkah Bush contest.
Rabbis Excited About Erection… jewdar December 14, 2012 Israel, Religion Headline News: Tremendous Arousal Following Women's Rally to Fortify Walls of Taharoh
Zooey Deschanel Celebrates Hanukkah. There’s Just One Catch… RSS December 11, 2012 Culture, Religion, Shtick 7 Celebrating Hanukkah with everyone's favorite New Girl.
“Choco-Jesus & Horny Hanukkah” (UPDATED) RSS December 7, 2012 Culture, Religion, Shtick, Urban Kvetch Who says Hanukkah and Christmas can't coexist?
Bucket List jewdar December 4, 2012 Religion 1 Granted, in comparison to a lot of places, Hurricane Sandy took it pretty easy on the Stanton Street Shul, but in comparison to a lot of places, the shul was a little more dilapidated to start with
I Hate Hanukkah Mark Dommu December 4, 2012 Religion, Urban Kvetch 2 After declaring his love for Christmas, Heeb's culture editor breaks out the big guns.
Rabbi Tries To Get God To Care About College Football RSS November 30, 2012 Religion, sports It's nice to see a spiritual leader with his priorities in order.
I <3 Christmas Mark Dommu November 28, 2012 First Person, Religion 2 With Hanukkah around the corner, our culture editor has a confession to make.
Chronicah: A Stoner Jew’s Hanukah Chicky November 23, 2012 Culture, Religion 1 Hanukkah is, like, waaay too commercial, man. We need to get back to our roots and stuff.
Well, This Exists: Thanksgivukkah RSS November 21, 2012 Religion, Shtick Thanksgiving and Hanukkah - two peas in a weird, asymmetrical pod.