Your Daily Dose Of “Maybe Hitler Wasn’t So Bad?” RSS June 7, 2013 Culture, Internet, Urban Kvetch The trailer for a new "Wolfenstein" video game leads to a mind-meltingly stupid argument over whether Hitler was really such a bad guy.
Here’s William Shatner Reading “Where The Wild Things Are” RSS June 5, 2013 Comics, Culture, Internet, Videos Captain Kirk himself treated a group of children to a particularly Shatner-esque reading of the classic Maurice Sendak story.
She’d Love To Go Bike Riding, Butt… RSS June 5, 2013 Internet, Videos Heeb 100'er Mara Altman wants to go bike riding with her roommate. There's just one problem...
Scenes From An Orthodox Anti-Internet Rally In Williamsburg RSS June 4, 2013 Internet, Religion Video of thousands of Orthodox Jews praying over the dangers of the internet is uploaded to Youtube. No, the irony is not lost on us.
The Last Jewish Waiter Throws Delicatessen Shade At “Man vs. Food” Host Adam Richman RSS May 30, 2013 Food, Internet, Videos 1 David Manheim is back to share his thoughts about The Food Network's deli-loving star.
Why Is This Jew Drinking A Bottle Of Shampoo? RSS May 27, 2013 Internet, Videos 1 ...not to mention Axe shower gel, a tube of toothpaste, some mouthwash, and Ajax cleaning solution.
Egg-y Hall: One Of Woody Allen’s Most Famous Scenes Done Entirely With Eggs RSS May 27, 2013 Culture, Film, Internet, Videos You're what Grammy Hall would call "A real egg"
San Francisco’s Jewish Psychic RSS May 23, 2013 Culture, Internet Tablet Magazine profiles Jessica Lanyadoo, The Bay Area's best (Jewish) psychic
The Last Jewish Waiter Is Back RSS May 22, 2013 Culture, Food, Internet 3 In episode two of "The Last Jewish Watier", David Manheim attempts a conversation with a celebrity guest - Sopranos star Joe Gannascoli. Things, however, do not quite go according to plan.
Marc Maron and Michael Ian Black Have The Most Passive Aggressive Twitter Fight Of All Time RSS May 21, 2013 Culture, Internet 23 What happens when two comics duke it out on Twitter? Pure magic.
The Holocaust Gets Meme’d RSS May 1, 2013 Internet What happens when "Never forget" turns into a viral image? We're not quite sure.
How A Bagel Gets Its Hole RSS May 1, 2013 Internet Answering one of life's enduring mysteries, one hypnotic .gif at a time.