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Casting Hopefuls for _The Hobbit_

Last weekend at Comic-Con in San Diego, Lord of the Rings' Peter Jackson said he would be submitting a script for The Hobbit to Warner Bros. in the coming weeks.As soon as Jackson gets the green light, he will ...
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_Sit Down, Shut Up_: The _Heeb_ Review

Last night, at around 8:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, you may have noticed a giant sucking sound. That would have been the sound of Fox's new animated show, Sit Down, Shut Up, sucking. Created by Arrested Deve...
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Bark Mitzvah Boy

There's nothing like a cute video of a dog having a $10,000 Bark Mitzvah thrown by his "owner" to take my mind off the fact that I'm several hundred dollars short for my upcoming rent.By my calculations a dog c...
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End of the Tori

Back in some issue or another, Jewdar expressed our reservations about the new 90210 (among other things West Beverly's huge Iranian Jewish population seems to be represented by a character who's an Iranian Sci...
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Not Your Bubbe’s Mormonism

Some people may have complained about our swimsuit calendar, but at least they keep their opinions in the realm of mature discourse. It looks like the Mormons take a different approach: the creator of the recen...
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In Defense of Mr. Morgenstern

It's not safe to say anything negative about the Dark Knight in public for fear of facing the fan-boy-mafia firing squad, lined up to pop their juicy zits on you. Wall Street Journal film critic Joe Morgenstern...
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Last Minute Gift Idears

About a month ago, we asked bargain hunters Lester Silvergold and Ruth Diamond-Phillips to create a holiday gift guide for you, beloved _Heeb_ reader. "Here, Lester and Ruth present some terrific ideas":http://...
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Something to Sneeze At

First, Mel Gibson, then Ann Coulter, now it's Halle Berry. In the latest installment of _Gotcha: The Game of Jewish Paranoia_, Halle Berry "apologized yesterday":
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Finkelstein’s Monster

Stop eating for Norman Finkelstein? Yesterday, "students": at DePaul began a hunger strike pr...