About a month ago, we asked bargain hunters Lester Silvergold and Ruth Diamond-Phillips to create a holiday gift guide for you, beloved _Heeb_ reader. “Here, Lester and Ruth present some terrific ideas”:http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=23273457 for anyone searching for a last-minute gift this holiday season. (And if you’d like to meet the alter-egos of Lester and Ruth and you’re in New York, stop by “_Heeb_ Storytelling this Sunday, December 23, at Joe’s Pub.”:http://joespub.com/caltool/index.cfm?fuseaction=detail&performanceID=3591)
these guys are hilarious ……. and they really do offer up some great last -minute gift ideas that are inexpensive yet impressive.
Who knew that an episode of the Sarah Silverman program would cost $3.33? I did.
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