Something to Sneeze At

First, Mel Gibson, then Ann Coulter, now it’s Halle Berry.

In the latest installment of _Gotcha: The Game of Jewish Paranoia_, Halle Berry “apologized yesterday”: for her October 19 appearance on “The Tonight Show” in which she referred to a Photo Boothed image of her with a gargantuan schnoz as her “Jewish cousin.” The clip was edited out of the show at Berry’s request, but members of the audience “blew the bugle on the starlet in the _New York Post_.”: “It was just a lighthearted segment that was meant to make fun of myself,” she said, adding that she just meant that she “looked like Monica Lewinsky.” Monica Lewinsky? Don’t sell yourself short, Halle. We were thinking you look more along the lines of a tan “Lisa Edelstein”:

What do you think?

About The Author

Yid Vicious

Yid Vicious is a proud, self-hating Jew, who believes that Jon Stewart is the anti-Christ. His favorite food is toast.

15 Responses

  1. Puck

    Rude and insensitive trollop though she is, I wouldn’t really put her in the same category as Mel Gibson (the devil) or Ann Coulter (she devil).
    Certainly more of a hypocrite though.

  2. yaeger

    Halle Berry making comments about her big schnoz looking like her
    “Jewish cousin”? I am deeply concerned and upset about this comment the A-list star made on the Tonight Show last night, when showing off
    computer-altered pictures of herself to Leno. How d

  3. Anonymous

    I am looking to get one for my son as a present. I bought him one when he was younger, but you could only really see the moon through it. I guess I will need to go up market this time.. move ipod music |


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