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Lost Men

In other "Corey Feldman news":, he's teamed back up with Corey Haim for a "poorly-reviewed":
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No Brainer

We just got this in our inbox: "The Israel Project invites you to a telephone conference call and Q & A with: Mitchell Bard, Ph.D. author of "_The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict_":http://...
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Hot and Bothered Over Hillary

It is not our desire to venture out of the warm, nurturing embrace of the entertainment world, but "David Brooks'": piece in the _Tim...
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The More the Merrier?

Yesterday, Slate "discussed": polygamy in America, and specifically among Muslims. Only about 1% of Muslim-Americans practice polygamy, but with the number of Muslim-Americans at...
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Who Wants to Be a Racist?

Today, The Game Show Network released a "poll": on prejudice in America to promote their upcoming show, "Without Prejudice":
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Diamond Days Fest: Day Four Recap

The fourth and final day of the "Diamond Days Fest": featured live performances by "Fresh Kills,":
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Diamond Days Fest: Day Three

If you enjoy hanging out with wannabes from the burbs making their annual "isn't Brooklyn cool?" pilgrimage, or being sold cell-phone subscriptions, or Budweiser (as opposed to our beer sponsor, "Brooklyn Brewe...
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Diamond Days Fest: Day Two Recap

"It was a three-part assault," exclaimed Darian from "The Coydogs.": "There was a guy banging on the window on the side, the pas...
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Diamond Days Fest: Day Two

Tonight at 7 p.m., _Heeb_ Storytelling will open day two of the "Diamond Days Fest": at Greenpoint, Brooklyn's Church of the Messiah. Hosted by "Joe Mande":http://www.joem...
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Heeb's critically acclaimed Storytelling series presents Jewish stories from an ever-changing crew of performers across the country. We now give you Heeb Storytelling in its online incarnation. Check back here ...
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Parents Just Don’t Understand

A "study": by Washington University at St. Louis showed that old people find it difficult to "get" what's funny. The study had undergrads and AARP-ers attempt to com...