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David Arquette: The _Heeb_ Interview

As much as we could razz David Arquette for falling into a plethora of family/spouse-related gigs, props go to the actor for his wide range of popcorn fare. From his blood-stained directorial debut _The Tripper...
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The _Heeb_ Holiday Gift Guide

If Hanukkah snuck up on you this year as it did us, you still have a bit of shopping left to do before tomorrow night (!!). But before you rush to the mall, be sure to check out Heeb's official holiday gift gui...
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Pope Impious

_PulpHope_ (AdHouse Books, 2007), modern mythmaker and comic-art giant Paul Pope's new 250-page graphic monograph is part autobiography, part retrospective and part pornographic sketchbook. The oversized volume...
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Supporting Israel Suddenly Has New Meaning

Who knew one month ago when England were "1-0 up against Russia":, that the key to their hopes of qualifying for Euro 2008 would ultimately lie...
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An absolutely adorable young girl who was born with a parasitic twin attached to her pelvis is "about to undergo a 40-hour operation to save her life.":
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_Night of Living Jews_ Premiere Party

The "critics": are making bold pronouncements, the "yiderati": are abuzz and the entire "Jewish zomb...
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Poison Ivy

We at Jewdar are not among those critical of "Columbia University's": decision to let Iranian President Ahmadin...
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The Best of 5767: Comics

_As you might've heard, the lunar calendar finished its cycle and the Jewish year 5767 became 5768. We considered fireworks and a night of pick-pocketing in Times Square, but instead we decided to use the oppor...
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Purchase in Advance

It was reported "yesterday":;_ylt=Aqw4RBCWcKr6BgXMz_BabEqs0NUE that Mayor Job Cohen of Amsterdam is pushing for a three-day wait peri...