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Canuck Attah Adonai

Michael Seifert, a Canadian citizen of Ukrainian origin who also operates under the alias "The Beast of Bolzano" is being extradited from Canada to Italy today to face charges he was convicted of in 2...
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Critical Mass

Their numbers are dwindling, they have dueling seminaries, and their rabbinic leadership is divided, but none of this is keeping the Conservative movement's powers-that-be from taking the kind of decisive acti...
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Valentine’s Day Comes Early

Inside Edition aired a segment yesterday that caught everyone up on the secret marriage between Gary Coleman and Shannon Price.Coleman and the 22-year old eBay merchant admitted to many problems in their "...
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Eh…What’s Up, So-Called Zionist Entity?

Following the martyrdom of characters like Farfur (the terror-preaching mouse) and Nahul (the bee to whom Israelis denied medical care,) viewers of the Hamas-authorized children's show Tomorrow's Pioneers were...
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Co-Writer’s Strike

Mel Gibson is being sued by his co-screenwriter ofThe Passion of the Christ. No, we don't mean Jesus, we mean Benedict Fitzgerald, who claims that Gibson breached their contract. Fitzgerald claims that he had t...
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People will put up with just about anything. Apparently so will an audience. Noise rock duo People teamed up with Williamsburg faves These Are Powers for a monthly Adolescent Sessions show this past weekend at ...
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Honky Talk

Gotham blogger Streeter Seidell posted the White Folks' Guide to the NYC Subway System last month, and the scathing responses are still flooding in. "There's this thing called Columbia U. Maybe you've hear...
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Kosher Winehouse

Since we were in mourning for most of 2007, Jewdar wasn't able to listen to music, and now that we can, it's a little like coming out of a cryogenic freeze. "Are the kids still listening to Neil Sedaka?&q...
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When Bad Things Happen to Bad People

Don't think that because we didn't comment on Super Bowl XLII, we weren't glued to our television sets last Sunday. The New York Giants victory over the New England Patriots is perhaps the greatest sports story...
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La Persona Scelta

More than 80 Gambino family mafiosos including Robert Epifania, a.k.a. "Bobby the Jew", were indicted today for pretty much every crime you can think of - murder, narcotics distribution, loansharking,...
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Bitter Francaise

This is just weird. Remember all that hooplah last year about Suite Francaise? Yeah, we didn't read it either, but we heard it was good. It was written by Irene Nemirovsky, a Ukrainian Jew living in France, dur...

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