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Mani Being Mani

Manischewitz maniacs rejoice: Tam Tam crackers are back on the shelves after what the New York Times called "the great Tam Tam shortage of 2008." This year, the Newark-based facility that produces the...
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Olmert vs. Jewdar: The Final Confrontation

Jewdar joins with much of the Jewish world in greeting Ehud Olmert's recently announced decision to step down with a huge sigh of relief. To be sure, we were considerably more sanguine when he took office in ...
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Reconsidering Obama’s Letter to God

Ever since Barack Obama's prayer was removed from the Wailing Wall by a pudgy yeshiva student it has been the cause of nonstop controversy: "How could anyone stoop so low as to remove it?," "How could a ne...
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Relax, Israel is Still a Country

With so much drama in the digital world these days (especially this week's Scrabulous crisis), it pains me to hear that some kids who refer to themselves as the "Jewish Internet Defense Force" hacked...
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Studio to Russell Crowe: “Hold the Ham!”

I've always had the theory that the Sheriff of Nottingham (Robin Hood's conniving, tax-hiking nemesis) wore a six-pointed star. So, I was disappointed to find out that he is now being denied his long overdue s...
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Not Your Bubbe’s Mormonism

Some people may have complained about our swimsuit calendar, but at least they keep their opinions in the realm of mature discourse. It looks like the Mormons take a different approach: the creator of the recen...
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In Defense of Mr. Morgenstern

It's not safe to say anything negative about the Dark Knight in public for fear of facing the fan-boy-mafia firing squad, lined up to pop their juicy zits on you. Wall Street Journal film critic Joe Morgenstern...
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_W’s_ White Trash Trailer

A few months back, some academics were up in arms about Oliver Stone's upcoming presidential satire W, with Josh Brolin (above) in the title role. BFD. The totally awesome teaser went web live a few days ago. P...
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Summer Issue Release Party

Join us on Thursday, July 31 for our Summer Issue Release Party at Bowery Electric (327 Bowery) in Manhattan from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. And definitely show up the first hour for a few free helpings of Heeb Punch, c...
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In Case You Missed Diamond Days

Diamond Days Fest 2008 started off with a mellow Thursday evening show at Mama Buzz cafe in Oakland, CA. Emily Jane White gave Cat Power and Emily Haines a run for their money with soulful vocals and power pian...

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