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Eh, It’s a Living

Many's the time that Jewdar has leafed through a copy of _Martha Stewart Living_ and noted the sad efforts to include the Jews in the holiday craftwork. There, scattered about the pages and pages of Easter egg...
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Apple of Our Eyes

First, there was my pervy obsession over its "flyover state breast-feeding controversy": that made news "more than once": (and not just i...
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An absolutely adorable young girl who was born with a parasitic twin attached to her pelvis is "about to undergo a 40-hour operation to save her life.":
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Zach Feuer: The _Heeb_ Interview

We don't do many things ceremoniously, but this summer we ceremoniously called Zach Feuer the "art world wonder boy" in our "Kids Issue": The piece isn't available online,...
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To the Members of the WGA

To the members of the WGA who "went on strike this morning,": I was just reading about you guys in "_The New Yor...
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Running Buddies

Katie Holmes, Scientologist and mother of the cutest child alive, will be "running in the NYC Marathon": this Sunday. New Yorkers, keep your eyes peeled for Mrs. Tom Cru...
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Safety in Numbers

William Saletan at Slate "reports back": from an American Enterprise Institute forum called "Abraham's Children: Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People". According to...
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I guess it goes without saying that some courtrooms aren't too fond of the fetishist. Take the case of Robert Stewart. This week the judge and jury have decided that the Scotland resident should now be consi...
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Does This Nose Make Me Look Fat?

And speaking of Jewish beauties, the ladies over at "Jezebel": rightly point out that the Arya...
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No Soup For You

Ever since Jessica Seinfeld appeared on _Oprah_ to hawk her book _Deceptively Delicious_, which instructs how to con your kids into eating cookies baked with pureed veggies, the Internet has been abuzz with cri...
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Something to Sneeze At

First, Mel Gibson, then Ann Coulter, now it's Halle Berry. In the latest installment of _Gotcha: The Game of Jewish Paranoia_, Halle Berry "apologized yesterday":