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It’s A Mad Mad World

"Something is very wrong with me," says Frank Einstein in the first issue of Mike Allred's cult-classic comic book series, _Madman_, published sporadically since the early '90s. Frank's insecurity stems from hi...
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Hairy Christmas

Zach Galifianakis's new Brooklyn apartment is almost bare. There's a couch and a table with a vase of sunflowers, some books and papers. Taped up on the adjacent wall are three maps of the Middle East. "Oh, don...
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The Hanukkah Virus

This Hanukkah, an explosion of viral Jewish music videos hits the web, each with its own unique blend of Jewish and pop cultural elements. If you appreciate truly bizarre Jewish esoterica (like we do) then here...
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Evolution Revelation

Looks like evolution is moving "much more rapidly": than our high-school biology teachers predicted. Researchers say that "beneficial genetic chan...
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_Heeb_ at Art Basel Miami

As a result of a spur of the moment decision, a cheap plane ticket and a free hotel room I find myself sitting at a computer in the press center of Art Basel Miami Beach, surrounded by two guys in multicolored ...
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_Juno_: The _Heeb_ Review

*by Andrew Marantz* I have to confess: when I first saw the trailer for _Juno_, I thought it would be a _Knocked Up_ knock-off. Well, blame that misleading trailer, because _Juno_ is its own movie. And, alth...
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The Grinch Who Stole Hanukkah

In a recent "article in _Slate_": Christopher Hitchens critiques Hannukah and promotes the removal of menorahs from public spaces. According to Hitchens, the holiday that we now ...
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Dances With Wolffs?

According to a recent report by Mental Health America, the nation's least Jewish state is also its happiest. With just "295 Jews":, South Dakot...