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Goy Issues

You might be wondering what inspired "our latest vid": (aside from Sarah, Winona, Amy, Sarah Michelle, Rachel and Barbra). Well, in the past five years we've been asked...
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On Whoopi’s Cushion

Way back in "the Fall of 2005": Jewdar showed some—well, not love, per se, but at least moderate affection—for gay pop icon and Ramaz grad Ari Gold. Tomorrow morning ...
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Body of Evidence

Unlike "_Ms._":, the British men's mag _Arena_ has no qualms about boasting of Israeli female achievement. In its February issue, _Arena_ "bestows 22-year old Victoria S...
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Ms. Taken

Insofar as _Ms._ Magazine is not _Heeb_ Magazine, Jewdar is not inclined to read it in the first place. However, now we are now tempted to get a subscription just so we can cancel it. Apparently, The American ...
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You’re Rock N’ Roll Fun

Out of a soundscape that consists of Ultra-Orthodox haredi-tic, Ladino-lounge, po-mo performance-piece, klez-(con)fusion, it is quite possible that the "The Shondes": are making...
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David Arquette: The _Heeb_ Interview

As much as we could razz David Arquette for falling into a plethora of family/spouse-related gigs, props go to the actor for his wide range of popcorn fare. From his blood-stained directorial debut _The Tripper...
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Dreidel Kink

Maybe our "recent video": got everybody all hot and bothered over dreidel-playing? Perhaps it was last month's "lesbian erotica":
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Please Sir, Can I Have Some Less?

One week from today, the fourth annual "Limmud NY": will take place at the Nevele Grande Resort in the Catskill Mountains. We can't guarantee what lies in store for you at this conferenc...
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_Heeb_ Hookups

It's been almost a year since we produced our "_Heeb_ Hookups vid":, which spoofed J-Date, _Match.com_ and the desperate re-fashioning of the self that occurs nowadays ...
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Good for the Goys

You might have noticed the "PopJudaica": banner on our homepage this week. Formerly known as _ChosenCouture.com_, the site is a virtual museum for all that is Jewish and e...