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Urban Achiever

Unfortunately I can't seem to find a Goonies action figure to call my own. I had hoped that the powers-that-be at Mezco Toys would send me one for free after I gave them a juicy plug here on HQ. Apparently they...
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Feline Führer

In other news from the world of Holocaust iconography, the German Green Party recently used an image of a cat that resembles Adolf Hitler on a poster that criticizes Germany's extreme-right parties. In response...
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Blame it on Rio

If your image of Carnival in Rio is similar to the photo above, you're in for a rude and somewhat bizarre shock. This year, a group in Rio plans to include a Holocaust-themed float in the festivities. We at _...
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Clubhouse Cafe: The _Heeb_ Review

Jewdarphiles have long counted on us to provide them with the cutting-edgiest commentary on all things Jewish and pop-culture. Sometimes, though, an issue arises that requires us to break from our customary bad...
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Beat Down

Thursday was the first yahrzeit of Jewdar's father. For those who are unfamiliar with Jewish mourning customs (and you should remain unfamiliar, God willing), you can't listen to music for the year after the d...
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Dead Ringer

Orthodox Stance, Jason Hutt's documentary about Dmitriy Salita, the professional boxer and observant Jew from Brooklyn, does not want to just be a gefilte fish-out-of-water story, but unfortunately, it offers l...
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Wise Crack

Amy Winehouse's parents Mitch (above) and Janis come to the rescue and check their 24-year old daughter into rehab....
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Something Smells Fishy

In a thousand years, will Heeb be remembered for its delightful prose or tasty roe? Yes, it seems that "Heeb," the sandwich, may be surpassing Heeb, the magazine, as a cultural touchstone. Last month,...
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Bobby Fischer Loses Final Game

Chess prodigy, Icelandic citizen, anti-Semite (and half-Jew) Bobby Fischer has passed away. To reminisce about his epic showdown with Soviet Boris Spassky, check out the wikipedia "entry":http://en.wikipedia.or...