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We at Jewdar don't want to appear insensitive and, in real terms, hope for the return of these hostages safe and sound. That being said, there's something pretty damn funny about Al-Qaeda hoping to punish the ...
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Just Plane Rude

On Monday, baggage handlers in Milan, Italy discovered anti-semitic slogans along the lines of "Death to Jews" scrawled in the cargo hold of an El Al plane. Italian authorities quickly passed the buck...
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Goldie Shocks

Goldie Hawn was met with more protestors last night than she's seen since the debut of The First Wives Club in 1996.The doe-eyed starlet was giving a speech in Glasgow on behalf of KKL Scotland, a JNF equivalen...
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Super-Shui Me

First the "green" BP gas station, complete with bamboo counters, organic cotton uniforms, and, oh yeah, gas. Now, the feng-shui'd McDonald's. WTF L.A.? Why do you always have to live up to your stereo...
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Bongs Away!

We sorta thought California's medical marijuana law was still up in the air, but try telling that to the first graduating class of Oaksterdam University. Founded by medical marijuana activist (read "stoner...
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Eliot, Phone Ho

As the sordid stories of Bill Clinton and Jim McGreevey attest, Jews are no strangers to political sex scandals. Still, it's nice to be on the other end of things for a change. At any rate, the weirdest part ...
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Dov, Love Me Do

<i>Radar</i> has joined in on the conversation about American Apparel overlord Dov Charney with a first-person account from a one-time AA model. In the piece, writer Claire Salinda rolls her eyes at...
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Grand Old Party

For us, getting Gilbert Gottfried to share some of his material at one of our events required dinner and cab fare. But when the Friars Club threw a book party last night for the recently released More Old Jewis...
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The Synagogue as Vaudeville

Rick Lemberg, a 5 foot 7, 47-year-old ex-stockbroker, might've been held up at the metal detector at his San Jose, CA synagogue last Sunday. You see, he was there to entertain the congregation with a virtuosic ...
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Ah, Airborne. Your mother has told you about it, your friends have explained to you that it was created by a teacher who was tired of her snot-nosed students getting her sick (since when did elementary school t...