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Roseanne is Sick of Being Misunderstood

Roseanne answers her critics with aplomb on thought he was being really manly "cleaning Germany up" by burning people in ovens. I was making fun of him, not his victims. My c...
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Bar Refaeli Dates Guy Uglier Than Me

On the set of our swimsuit calendar shoot, Bar Refaeli apparently developed a fondness for creeping things. Her new boyfriend, multi-millionaire Teddy Sagi, actually looks like he could be a not-so-distant cous...
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Viddish: Yo La Tengo “Here to Fall”

When you take into consideration that most rock bands' careers last as long as Jewish baby boys get to keep their foreskins, it is remarkable that indie-shmindie godfathers, Yo La Tengo are prepping their 12th ...
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The Coen Brothers are Back With _A Serious Man_

The Coen brothers have released the trailer to their latest dark comedy, A Serious Man, out in October. It opens with the main character's (Michael Stuhlbarg) head being bashed against the wall and the rythmic ...
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Madonna is Annoying, Again

Madonna, whose spiritual awakening occurred 14 years ago when she found Kaballah and weaseled her way into the tribe, will now write about that experience in the popular Israeli newspaper, Yediot Ahronot. In he...
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Daily Links

The Yankees Next Superstar in the Making (River Ave Blues)Cocaine and Heroin Salt and Pepper Shakers (The Daily What) If Zac Efron Bungee Jumps in the Forest and No Tweens are There to Hear Him, Does He Make a ...

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