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Waste Management

Newspaper and cardboard can be recycled, but toilet paper cannot. In an average lifetime, a single human being will flush 4,249 rolls of paper down the toilet—and that doesn't take into account the four layers ...
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Riot Incorporated

Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and Lindsay Lohan have given being bonkers a bad name. And this, friends, is why you need to appreciate Courtney Love. She may be a partied-out, namedropping big mouth, but thanks to her, it's still cool to be a screw up.
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Bettie Page’s MOTographers

For a people who spent a few thousand years avoiding the depiction of the human form, the Chosen have done pretty well for themselves in the phield of photography. But while names like Stieglitz, Capa and Weege...
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Cooking By The Book

First of all, there's a show called Lazy Town. I love that town. Secondly, this video mash-up of said town proves if you need a perfect song, just add Lil Jon. He's the living crazy salt of music. ...
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Hiding That Candy

The very foxy, very funny artists Kalup Linzy and Shaun Leonardo lipsync to the 1930s NSFW radio ballad, Lollypop and god, they are good. ...
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The Best/Worst Video of All Time

This video from Chris Dane Owens is a cross between a shitty Meat Loaf video and The Lord of the Rings with a little bit of This is Spinal Tap (the "Stonehenge" performance, more specifically) mixed ...
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Food Porn

From a map of India to a Heineken beer cap to a Nikon digicam, the desk jockeys at did a bang-up job putting together a nice, clean collection of the web's most elaborate cake art. It's amazing what y...
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_Cadillac Records_: The _Heeb_ Review

There is that old adage about blues having a baby and naming it "rock n' roll." If that baby was conceived in the South, it was born and raised in Chicago at Chess Records, headed by Polish- Jewish im...
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No One Is Loving This

The McNuggets were wet before you even got a chance to eat them. Keith Sweat is so turned on by these deep fried nasties that someone barely made a webpage at McDonald's to promote his dirty dreams. (Special, s...