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What We Can Learn From Akon

By now, you've heard about Verizon Wireless pulling its sponsorship from the Gwen Stefani tour because her opening act, Akon, simulated some truly nasty dirty dancing on stage with a Trinidadian girl in front o...
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Romney Hearts Dinosaurs

He may be pro-life, anti-gay marriage and, um... a "Mormon":, but at least Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney believes in "evolution":h...
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Piercing Truths

This week,'s_ Katie Liederman powwows with four body piercers to explore some of the "21st Century's more confounding sexual issues": Among her m...
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Moses vs. Satan

While Christopher Hitchens is picking a fight with the Almighty in his new book "_God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything_":, the folks over at Adult Swim ar...
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Look Who’s Got a Woody

You may remember _Heeb_ rabbinic authority "Berel B": helping us hijack the "mitzvah tank.": Well, his latest semitic shenanigans can be seen at...
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Diamonds and Spoils

This week's _New York_ Magazine nods at billionaire "Lev Leviev":, a Russian/Israeli Lubavitcher diamond merchant who just bought the New York Times building. This guy ...
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Viva La Sarkozy?

We all know that France holds one of the more troubled Jewish populations in the Western world (as seen "here":, "here":
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Jews For Colbert

After wrestling with my weighty conscience for weeks, I am compelled to speak out on behalf of a fringe-yet-burgeoning community. A group of naysayers that feels a deep-rooted guilt over preferring Stephen Colb...
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Welcome to the Family

Michael Chabon, recently labeled "anti-Semitic": by _The New York Po...
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KatzEnberg The New TomKat?

Has Katie Holmes finally "escaped": the clutches of her g-y (that's vague enough for me not get sued right? And no, it's not "goy") alien ...
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Greene With Envy

It has long been noted (okay, by me, but I have been ranting about it for a while) that the hospital on ER must be the only one in Chicago without a Jewish doctor. Apologists for the hospital's strangely discr...

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