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Vatican Plays the Jew Card

One might think that the Vatican, in the midst of a veritable Benetton ad of international pedophilia scandals, might be trying extra hard to avoid antagonizing anyone who isn't already pissed off at the crowd ...
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Sarkozy Son Snipped: Vive La Circumcision!

Jewdar loves a story with a happy ending. This one starts badly, about a hundred years ago when, after the Great War, a Jewish doctor named Aaron Mallah converted to Catholicism and married his French Catholic ...
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Jerry Seinfeld’s Marriage Wreck

Jewdar knew it was was going to be awful, but we had no clue just how awful. The Marriage Ref, NBC's new Jerry Seinfeld produced show that replaced the Jay Leno primetime fiasco, is the kind of disaster that us...
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I am Jewdar, Hear Me Roar

Don't get us wrong, Jewdar loves the Tribe, loves pop culture, and you damn well know we love combining the two. So whenHeeb Comics Czar Jeff Neweltsent usthis link, at first we just thought "Well, a tribu...
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They Dare Not Speak Its Name

Jewdar is as opposed to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" as the next guy...unless the next guys are Admiral Mike Mullen and Sec. of Defense Robert Gates. Is it just Jewdar, or does this picture suggest that th...
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Jewdar vs. President Obama

As of last week, Jewdar has officially joined the anti-Obama crowd. For a long time, we were satisfied that, even though not much seemed to be getting done, what could you expect, given the ginormous mess Obama...
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Alexander the (Not) Great

The fast-paced world of new media often leads eager beaver online journalistos to write hastily in order to beat the competition. Sometimes, though, it's good to take a moment for consideration. When Jewdar fir...