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This Week In Schmeckles

Atlantique Records (which I guess is like the Folex of the music industry) has reissued Stephen Schneider's "Check your Schmeckle," a song about the dangers of contracting lime disease from deer ticks while cam...
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Yelp Backpedals

The online local listings schmucks (a.k.a. Yelp) sent the above e-blast to their San Francisco listserv early this morning, only to follow up nine hours later with an apology from the editors. They changed the ...
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High Fyv

At last, someone out there is more obsessed than I am with television's go-to Jew, Fyvush Finkel. The 85-year old Brooklyn actor turned me down for an interview back in '07 because our rag was too racy (and I h...
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A Meaty Read

I may not subscribe to N+1 or Lapham's Quarterly ... but can still spot a literary masterpiece when it comes my way. ...
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Now Hiring

The Schmeeckle Reserve at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is now looking for summer interns. Hahaha. Schmeeckle. ...
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Bubbe Gets It Doggystyle

Okay, so she's actually Italian, which doesn't exactly qualify her as a bubbe, but c'mon: She's getting tushy-shtupped by the family dog and is such a good sport about it. That's totally honorary Heeb material ...
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Drunk Jew Arrested at Airport

After a few too many at the T.G.I. Fridays' inside Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, this sloppy souse got a new pair of bracelets, courtesy of the police. She says she was clinked because she's Jewish—w...
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Modern Hooker: The _Heeb_ Interview

Modern Hooker (she will not give her real name) is a prostitute who back in January launched a comic strip and has since tweeted her twat off to build an online audience--only for fun. ("Traffic schmaffic,...