Heeb Interview: Rob Kutner’s got SHRINKAGE
Conan writer Rob Kutner explains his sci-fi comedy excursion into comic books, muses about Jewish brains, and divulges what he really learned in Hebrew school.
Gilbert Gottfried As Twitter Is A Kvetchy Nightmare
"Life In Your Social Network" casts Gilbert Gottfried as Twitter to illustrate the horrors of 24-7 internet clutter.
Save The Country and Western Jew!
Sure, you can go to Brooklyn, shout "Hey Shloimie, I've got some free peyos wax!" and watch the stampede--but there are sub-species that are in danger of disappearing. We speak today of the Jewish country and western singer. Specifically - Daniel Antopolosky.
Who Wants An All-Emoji Bible? This Guy Does.
Kickstarter'er Kamran Kastle wants to bring us a bible we can totally OMG and LOL over.
“No One Wants To Make A Movie About Jews” – The Zach Braff Interview
Actor/Director Zach Braff talks to Heeb about his new film Wish I Was Here, funding a movie through Kickstarter, and why he doesn't like conclusions.
Jewish Literature Can Be – SHOULD Be – Kids Stuff
Jews are justifiably known as the People of the Book, but when it comes to specifically Jewish children's books, much of the stuff out there, quite frankly, sucks butt.
INTERVIEW: Seth Kushner Is A “SCHMUCK” (And We’ve Got The Exclusive Comic To Prove It)
Photographer & Comics writer Seth Kushner chats about his "SCHMUCK: A Graphic Novel", X-Men, Bar Mitzvah cheating. Plus, an exclusive look at Seth's "I, Schmuck . . . I, Schmeckle"
For The Love Of God, Kickstart Lil’ Dicky!
Our favorite Jewish Flow rapper, Lil' Dicky, is back but he needs your help.
Kirb Your Enthusiasm
For those not in the know, Jack Kirby (born Jacob Kurtzberg) was one of the true giants of the comic book industry. So let's give the guy a museum, huh?
Worst Jewish Camp Experience Ever
Jewdar never did the Jewish camp experience, but based on the How to Make It To the Promised Land, new short film Sam Zalutsky is trying to Kickstart, we didn't miss much.
Stop Everything Because New Jonathan Katz (Hopefully…)
Jonathan Katz is back with a hilarious new web series! But his "Death Row Diet" might be D.O.A. without your help.